Why We Use Brivo Cloud-Based Access Control

At GRIT, we believe security needs to be simple and effective.

Key fobs and door access cards are complicated to manage and easy to lose. Your smartphone, not so much.

We’ve teamed up with our partners at Brivo to deliver a streamlined, easy-to-use approach to building access controls using the Brivo app on your smartphone.Check out our video to see how simple security can be!

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Microsoft 365 data loss prevention

Your Ultimate Guide to Microsoft 365 data loss prevention

Safeguarding your Microsoft 365 data is a non-negotiable. Accidental deletions, ransom cloud attacks, and Microsoft’s limited retention policies pose potential threats to your business’s vital information. But fear not! In this guide, we delve into an effective Microsoft 365 data loss prevention strategy. Don’t let your valuable data disappear – watch now and learn how to secure your digital assets!

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