Take it From Chuck – Get the Best Team Possible in Your Corner.


“It is not an expense to get the best IT company that you can find. It’s an asset!” – Chuck Bowers


Chuck Bowers from Rocket Enterprise Inc, has built a high-performing, high-integrity business that has been around since 1982.  When an unfortunate ransomware attack brought the business to a standstill, Chuck looked to seek a new partner to manage his company’s IT and network security.

Following IT best practices and industry standards from our team at GRIT Technologies, Rocket Enterprise was able to take charge of their technology and set the foundation for the company’s success moving forward.


As Chuck says in the video, “It’s a game changer”.  But just don’t take our word for it.  Watch as he talks about his company’s journey, and how well-managed technology can be an asset to your business.

Get the best team possible in your corner
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