Exclusive Cyber Insurance Event

Join Our Exclusive Cyber Insurance Event and Win an Arctic Cooler

Are you ready to level up your business’s security game? We are thrilled to announce our upcoming exclusive Cyber Insurance event in partnership with the esteemed Arctic Wolf, where you’ll have a fantastic chance to win an Arctic Cooler along with gaining invaluable insights into the world of Cyber Insurance.

The Hard Truth About Cyber Insurance

Insurers have made it more difficult for companies to obtain and maintain cyber insurance policies, while at the same time eliminating coverage for some forms of breach. These challenges and frustrations might lead some organizations to pass up the change to obtain a policy all together. But cyber insurance is an essential component of a string security posture and robust incident response plan, especially for small/medium businesses, who are most at risk of critical, business-ending damage from cyber attacks.

Join our team of security experts for a webinar designed to help you make sense of the changing cyber insurance market while demonstrating the immense value that a strong policy can bring.

Key Takeaways:

  • Why cyber insurance is hard to get and how you can better position your business
  • How security awareness training focused on long-term retention and behavior change can built a strong culture of security at your organization – one capable of stopping a cyber attack in its tracks.
  • Strategies to build security awareness culture in your organization.
  • An understanding of the topics it takes to provide employees with a well-rounded security education.
  • Current social engineering threats your employees need to watch out for.

Sign Up Today

Secure your spot now by clicking on the registration link below. Together, let’s create a strong community of well-prepared businesses, ready to face the challenges of the digital world.


Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to level up your business’s security and win an Arctic Cooler! We’re looking forward to having you join us at the event.


See you on July 27th!

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