GRIT's Superhero-Themed Office Tour

Back in October of 2021 we broke ground on our new office expansion. In just three short years GRIT has grown to thirty-five employees, outgrowing its current office space. Luckily this just meant knocking down a wall and expanding into the office suite right next door.

The new space will be occupied by the GRIT Service Team and designed to support our hybrid remote work model. This allows the team to work from home, coming to work in the office as needed.

We think of our service team as superheroes and wanted the new space to reflect that.

superheroes new office space

We enlisted the talents of local artist Kevin Burdock to paint the murals and Revamp Interiors to design the office space. We think both of them did a fantastic job.

Most of the team will be in the new space by the end of February.  This expansion allows us to continue to deliver excellent service to our partners, providing a space for our Iron Men and Women to call home for many years to come!

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